Saw this. Had to share.
This is me. Hi. I'm C, and I'm a Carbivore.
We have big butts and we cannot lie, you other peeps can't deny. When we walk in with our not so bitty waists and those round things in your face you get.. grossed out.
Early Weigh In
I know it's not Wednesday but I weighed myself last night and...
I saw a bumper sticker this morning that said:
"I've been on a diet for a month and all I've lost is 31 days."
"I've been on a diet for a month and all I've lost is 31 days."
Button Button
Tell me I'm not alone. No, this isn't THAT serious. Just a confession.
I mean, Back in Black AND Audrey Hepburn? She could have been wearing baby seals and I would have wanted them. Ok, maybe not baby seals... SO Then I worked at the Gap and bought some. (employee discount! woowoop!) They are kind of on the tight side. They snap closed and let me tell you: No Give. When I'm standing, it's all good. But when I sit... HellOOOOOOOO jelly rolls. SO. I happen to unsnap them.. and leave them unsnapped.... all day. I know this is SICK but I also know someone out there does the same thing. Right? Right?? I know I'm not that crazy. But how creepy to know that someone you work next to... right now... might have his/her pants unbuttoned.
I have these CUTE pants, that I love. I first fell in love with them from this commercial:
I mean, Back in Black AND Audrey Hepburn? She could have been wearing baby seals and I would have wanted them. Ok, maybe not baby seals... SO Then I worked at the Gap and bought some. (employee discount! woowoop!) They are kind of on the tight side. They snap closed and let me tell you: No Give. When I'm standing, it's all good. But when I sit... HellOOOOOOOO jelly rolls. SO. I happen to unsnap them.. and leave them unsnapped.... all day. I know this is SICK but I also know someone out there does the same thing. Right? Right?? I know I'm not that crazy. But how creepy to know that someone you work next to... right now... might have his/her pants unbuttoned.
Posted by C.
It's ON.
My husband seemed to be feeling left out of the weight loss extravaganza!! SO we have set our weight goals to be at before we move. (5 weeks) If I make my weight goal, I get a $100 shopping spree. $100 might not seem like it deems the word SPREE after it, but trust me. With my stingy husband, it's like $300. haha Anyway. I'm REALLY hoping to get there. Not only to have a smokin bod, but to get my wardrobe in check. Thanks to blogs like Kendi's and Syd's I've found I'm in dyer need of great clothes.
Wish me luck and root me on. I'm gonna need it.
Posted by C
Wish me luck and root me on. I'm gonna need it.
Posted by C
C's Wednesday Weigh-In
Why can't I get away from this dang weight??? I have to get more strict I guess. I have been just eyeballing it. :)
A New Dawn..
You know those Weight Watchers commercials where Jennifer Hudson sings the Michael Buble song? I love them. Mostly, I just love the song. I've been listening to it for years and have to say, it's pretty nice to hear the inspirational, uplifting lyrics at random intervals between all the fighting on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (Hint: Michael Buble's version is a million times better- check it).
Anyway, that's how I feel. It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me. Four months ago, I moved back to Utah after two years in Connecticut, totally in love with my boyfriend. I moved back to finish my last semester of the paralegal program at a local school, with the intention to move back to Connecticut at the beginning of January and get married and start a life there.
It didn't go as planned.
After a terrible breakup where I lost the love of my life (thus far) and my best friend, having to leave my job that I loved, all my CT friends and my whole life there that I had worked so hard to build the last two years, and having to move back in with my parents for financial reasons, I knew things had to change. I couldn't spend any more time feeling sorry for myself.
And so I set goals.
My first goal was to drag myself out of bed every morning and continue attending my classes. It seems like a small feat, but it wasn't. In the beginning, it was all I could do to suffer through my classes. I looked like hell while I did it, but I did it.
Once going to school felt more like a routine, I knew I needed to get a job. I am always happier when I'm productive and I knew it would be a boost (plus, I needed money). I searched tirelessly for a job for 2 months and then landed one at a firm I have only ever dreamed of working at. Plus, it's right in the midst of downtown, which was a huge selling point for me. I love the chaos.
Next on my agenda was moving out. On January 1st, I moved in with 3 girls I've known for years and love. It's perfect to be closer to downtown and amongst 3 other girls who are going through the same school/work/dating trials I am. It makes me feel normal.
And my current goal? A healthy lifestyle.
Somewhere along the way, working out and eating healthy faded out of my routine. Well...... IT'S BAAAAACK!
Last Monday, two co-workers and I started a "no sugar" diet. That's all it consists of.
Don't eat sugar.
It sounds simple, but you would be suprised how many things have sugar in them. I, being a starving student of sorts, survive on sugar. I eat sugar cereals...candy....spoonsfuls of sugar...and lots of it. But, a week strong and no sugar to be had and I feel great! I have been eating alot of fruit (which I usually hate) and keeping it healthy. I've noticed that it stops alot of my mindless munching and I don't feel deprived at all! I look slimmer already, but the major difference I notice is in how much healthier I feel. My afternoon sugar crashes are quickly becoming a thing of the past and it gets easier to ignore the cravings each day.
So here's to meeting goals and building the lives we want to live, one goal at a time! I believe we can do anything with the right motivation and support system. Even starting completely over.
So hello new dawn and goodbye sugar ass!
Posted by S.
Anyway, that's how I feel. It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me. Four months ago, I moved back to Utah after two years in Connecticut, totally in love with my boyfriend. I moved back to finish my last semester of the paralegal program at a local school, with the intention to move back to Connecticut at the beginning of January and get married and start a life there.
It didn't go as planned.
After a terrible breakup where I lost the love of my life (thus far) and my best friend, having to leave my job that I loved, all my CT friends and my whole life there that I had worked so hard to build the last two years, and having to move back in with my parents for financial reasons, I knew things had to change. I couldn't spend any more time feeling sorry for myself.
And so I set goals.
My first goal was to drag myself out of bed every morning and continue attending my classes. It seems like a small feat, but it wasn't. In the beginning, it was all I could do to suffer through my classes. I looked like hell while I did it, but I did it.
Once going to school felt more like a routine, I knew I needed to get a job. I am always happier when I'm productive and I knew it would be a boost (plus, I needed money). I searched tirelessly for a job for 2 months and then landed one at a firm I have only ever dreamed of working at. Plus, it's right in the midst of downtown, which was a huge selling point for me. I love the chaos.
Next on my agenda was moving out. On January 1st, I moved in with 3 girls I've known for years and love. It's perfect to be closer to downtown and amongst 3 other girls who are going through the same school/work/dating trials I am. It makes me feel normal.
And my current goal? A healthy lifestyle.
Somewhere along the way, working out and eating healthy faded out of my routine. Well...... IT'S BAAAAACK!
Last Monday, two co-workers and I started a "no sugar" diet. That's all it consists of.
Don't eat sugar.
It sounds simple, but you would be suprised how many things have sugar in them. I, being a starving student of sorts, survive on sugar. I eat sugar cereals...candy....spoonsfuls of sugar...and lots of it. But, a week strong and no sugar to be had and I feel great! I have been eating alot of fruit (which I usually hate) and keeping it healthy. I've noticed that it stops alot of my mindless munching and I don't feel deprived at all! I look slimmer already, but the major difference I notice is in how much healthier I feel. My afternoon sugar crashes are quickly becoming a thing of the past and it gets easier to ignore the cravings each day.
So here's to meeting goals and building the lives we want to live, one goal at a time! I believe we can do anything with the right motivation and support system. Even starting completely over.
So hello new dawn and goodbye sugar ass!
Posted by S.
My Feelings are Hungry
Yes my friends, I'm an emotional eater. Unlike some that can't eat during stressful times, I automatically get hungry. It is not good when you're trying to lose weight. Unfortunately, I'm totally stressed out.. and I went to Jack in the Box and got an Oreo cookie shake. I guess I feel like I have to confess this. Do you eat your feelings and if you have it under control, how do you do it?? I need secrets. But maybe when dealing with infertility, moving states, no support and a death in the family I can get a little break. Yeah? Thanks guys. Great talk. :)
No this isn't me
Posted by C
I have a problem with water. I don't drink it. I don't like it. Sometimes it's refreshing, sure. But eew! Why is it detrimental to loosing weight? I mean, it makes sense but why can't that be the same for other liquids. I've tried using Crystal Light and that works sometimes. But why oh why can't water taste like the always delicious Diet Coke? I will save my love for Diet Coke for another post.
Here's what I need. Help. Mental help? probably. But more so how to get into drinking water. I can't just do it. I drink it every so often but never, NEVER the recommended amount. I figure what I get from my food is fine enough.
This reminds me. When you don't drink water you put on weight b/c your body stores it. But then when you first lose weight they call it water weight. ???? WTH? So basically drink gallons a day or be chubby. Nice, water. REAAAAL nice. I can see it's gonna take a while for us to get along.
Posted by C
Here's what I need. Help. Mental help? probably. But more so how to get into drinking water. I can't just do it. I drink it every so often but never, NEVER the recommended amount. I figure what I get from my food is fine enough.
This reminds me. When you don't drink water you put on weight b/c your body stores it. But then when you first lose weight they call it water weight. ???? WTH? So basically drink gallons a day or be chubby. Nice, water. REAAAAL nice. I can see it's gonna take a while for us to get along.
Posted by C
C's Wednesday Weigh-In
I don't know how this has happened but I'm not a happy camper. Maybe it's the reese's pieces I eat occasionally. But it can't be! I don't eat more than, like, 6 and I don't even eat 1200 calories sometimes. Maybe I'm not burning enough cals. That's probably it. Hopefully there will be some progress next wednesday. This Wednesday I'm:
149 lbs
5 Secrets to Making Resolutions Stick
Now mine's not a resolution, remember? But I know many of you that do make resolutions. So here's 5 ways to making them stick!
RESOLUTION SABOTEUR #1: Having a Long-Term Focus
That’s right. When it comes to resolutions, short-term thinking can lead to long-term results. How so? Researchers from the University of Sheffield have found that 91 percent of people who start anexercise regimen—even those with the best intentions—bail in the first 4 weeks, before the habit has taken hold. And 61 percent throw in the barely used towel within the first 7 days. But the 9 percent who last 5 weeks stay in it for the long haul.
Everybody has a New Year's resolution. Congressman John Boehner has resolved to donate half his self-tanner reserves to Marilyn Manson. Tom Cruise plans to start making better movies (we hope). Lady Gaga has pledged to finally get that meat dress dry-cleaned—or at least tenderized.
But no matter who you are, or what your resolution might be, chances are, you're going to fail. Indeed, studies show that two-thirds of New Year's resolutions are kaput by St. Patrick's Day. And that's because most of us make the same five fatal mistakes. If you want this year to be the year you really change your life—lose weight, get back in shape, start living the life you really deserve—then don't make your annual pledge until you read this.
That’s right. When it comes to resolutions, short-term thinking can lead to long-term results. How so? Researchers from the University of Sheffield have found that 91 percent of people who start anexercise regimen—even those with the best intentions—bail in the first 4 weeks, before the habit has taken hold. And 61 percent throw in the barely used towel within the first 7 days. But the 9 percent who last 5 weeks stay in it for the long haul.
Your fail-proof plan: Instead of telling yourself that you’ll go to the gym until December 31, 2011, try saying this instead: “I’m going to make an effort to go to the gym until February 5, 2011.” That’s five weeks. And don’t over-commit to what you’ll accomplish while you’re there, either. YMCA researchers found that people were twice as likely to stick to an exercise program when they performed shorter workouts—less than 30 minutes—than when they did longer sessions. They also lost more fat, because they worked at a higher intensity, rather than just going through the motions of a long workout, says study coauthor Wayne Westcott, Ph.D. And shoot for just 3 days a week. That’ll give you most of the benefits of exercise.
Bonus Tip: New year, new diet plan! Here are the muscle-toning, brain-enhancing, wrinkle-erasing, heart-strengthening, bone-protecting, immunity-boosting, inflammation-fighting foods you should be eating every day.
RESOLUTION SABOTEUR #2: Striving for Perfection
When people skip a workout, there’s a 62 percent chance they’ll miss one the following week as well, according to a study from the University of Massachusetts–Dartmouth. That’s a domino effect that dooms thousands of resolutions every year. In fact, “a single lapse can result in feelings of failure that are so overwhelming, a person will just quit, even though he or she might have successfully followed through with exercise 99 percent of the time,” says John Raglin, Ph.D., an exercisepsychologist at Indiana University.
When people skip a workout, there’s a 62 percent chance they’ll miss one the following week as well, according to a study from the University of Massachusetts–Dartmouth. That’s a domino effect that dooms thousands of resolutions every year. In fact, “a single lapse can result in feelings of failure that are so overwhelming, a person will just quit, even though he or she might have successfully followed through with exercise 99 percent of the time,” says John Raglin, Ph.D., an exercisepsychologist at Indiana University.
Your fail-proof plan: Institute a no-perfection-necessary policy. If you don’t have time for your entire workout, take 10 minutes and do a portion of your routine—even if it’s just a couple of sets of body-weight squats and jumping jacks. That way, you will have “worked out,” which will reinforce the behavior and make it less tempting for you to miss your next session.
Bonus Tip: Remember the old saying "Milk: not just for breakfast anymore." Well, here are 20 foods that shouldn't be for breakfast, period. Check out this eye-popping list of the Worst Breakfasts in America!
RESOLUTION SABOTEUR #3: Setting Small Goals
Most experts recommend setting modest weight-reduction goals, but a study from the University of Minnesota suggests that having high weight-loss expectations may help you lose more weight. The researchers found that people who tried to lose an average of 16 percent of their body-weight—instead of the commonly recommended 5 to 10 percent—did indeed drop more than their conservative counterparts. “They seem to understand that it takes more effort to lose more weight,” speculates study author Jennifer Linde, Ph.D.
Most experts recommend setting modest weight-reduction goals, but a study from the University of Minnesota suggests that having high weight-loss expectations may help you lose more weight. The researchers found that people who tried to lose an average of 16 percent of their body-weight—instead of the commonly recommended 5 to 10 percent—did indeed drop more than their conservative counterparts. “They seem to understand that it takes more effort to lose more weight,” speculates study author Jennifer Linde, Ph.D.
Your fail-proof plan: Make your overall goal as lofty as you’d like—20, 30, or even 50 pounds—but set a practical time frame, capping expectations at 1 to 2 pounds a week. (If you lose faster, all the better.) And keep your focus on the means, not the end. University of Iowa scientists found that people are more likely to stick with their weight loss plans when they concentrate on specific actions instead of the desired result. For example, if you want to lose 20 pounds, make a list of nutrition and exercise goals that facilitate weight loss—such as working out at least three times a week. Then strive to achieve as many as you can. “Setting goals that target specific behaviors helps you see progress, even before it shows up on the scale,” says lead author Faryle Nothwehr, Ph.D. “This encourages you to keep at it.”
Bonus Tip: Looking for daily motivation? Sign up for our free daily Eat This, Not That! newsletter or follow me right here on Twitter, and make 2011 your flat belly year! The instant weight-loss secrets you'll get can help you look, feel and live better than ever!
RESOLUTION SABOTEUR #4: Focusing on Hypotheticals
Yes, smoking may kill you. But thinking about that won’t help you kick butts. Roughly 80 percent of smokers admit they would like to quit, but only about 3 percent make an effort. Of those, only 1 percent of smokers report success. In other words, the old-fashioned scare tactics just aren’t working. People know the risks of smoking, but theaddiction often still trumps rationality.
Your fail-proof plan: Instead of thinking about what might happen, think about what is happening. “What will change your behavior is something very, very personal,” says Terry Rustin, M.D., author of Quit and Stay Quit. “In an honest environment, ask the people you love how your smoking has affected them. You might be surprised to hear your habit triggered asthma attacks in your kids, or kept them underweight.” Or maybe your family members are simply embarrassed that their clothes smell like smoke. Such a revelation—even if it’s fueled by guilt—just might give you the necessary fuel to stay the course when you’re inclined to cheat.
And while the idea of putting out your butts for good can be daunting, new research in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research shows you might quickly see a benefit. The researchers found that participants started feeling better as early as two weeks after they gave up their smokes. Why? Because when you quit jerking your body through multiple withdrawal cycles every day, your smoking breaks stop ruling your mood.
RESOLUTION SABOTEUR #5: Not Having Support from Family and Friends
A recent Men’s Health survey found that the top New Year’s resolution for men is to lose weight. But when women were polled about their husbands, the ladies wanted their spouses to be more romantic. And you can bet that men might have different changes in mind for the wives as well. Our point: Get on the same page, folks. Studies show that you’re much more likely to stick with any habit if you surround yourself with people who share the same goal as you.
Your fail-proof plan: Ask for your better half’s input. One rule: No hurt feelings. Then adopt your spouse’s suggestion as a resolution, in addition to the goal that’s at the top of your list. This strategy can help you better succeed with both; you just have to figure out how to make the two goals relate to each other. Case in point: In a Baylor College of Medicine study, one group of adults took on the simultaneous resolutions of increasing exercise, limiting sodium, and quitting smoking, while a second group attempted only one of those goals. Eighteen months later, those who had embraced multiple heart-healthy changes were 20 percent more likely to have stuck with them. This makes total sense: If you're exercising and following a diet, you’d feel silly if you’re still smoking.
Bonus Tip: Lose weight. Build muscle. Get out of debt. Whatever your resolution for 2011, here's your plan.
Article from Yahoo:
Posted by C
Posted by C
I'm trying to discover new delish snacks to eat and boy have I found one. This morning I wanted a granny smith apple. We all know those are tart and give me instant headaches. Well, you might not have known that part, but they are tart and should always be paired with caramel. Ooey Gooey caramel. And, of course, your caramel to apple slice ratio should be illegal. I know some pre-packaged little containers of the caramel only make the treat about 120-150 calories but don't rain on my parade ok? This morning I cut my apple into slices, tossed it in a bag with, Splenda Brown Sugar Blend. Oh, my stars. I keep finding delicious fruits to pair this sugar up with and it's divine every time. I haven't tried lemons, but at this point I think it makes anything taste good. It was SO sweet and just hit the spot. Oh and it was 100 calories. YUM!! SOOO much better than my normal cardboard 100 calorie granola bar I eat in the morning that has me hungry a half hour later. Lunch today is microwavable Mac n Cheese! Best part? I just realized the pasta is in the shape of Toy Story characters. Score!!
Any suggestions for other great snacks are surely welcomed!
Posted by C
Any suggestions for other great snacks are surely welcomed!
Posted by C
Stress Shmess
Stress helps you lose weight. It's a fact.
Either you are the person who eats when you get stressed or the person who has a weak stomach and cannot eat when stressed. I consider myself a combination of the two- it depends on the type of stress I'm experiencing. When I am trying to make a life decision, I eat. When I am fighting with a loved one or having relationship troubles- I cannot even think about eating. The stress I'm experiencing lately is the latter.
Over the weekend, I moved. This caused a fight with some loved ones, which made me moody and irritable, which put off some other loved ones, who are also my new roommates. Then I called things off with someone I was seeing, and had to explain to someone else that our relationship lies in the friend zone. All of this was terrible and the only thing I could imagine eating was 99 cent Taco Bell. But alas....the Taco Bell in my area was closed. CLOSED. For the first time EVER. And so I didn't eat.
This put me on track with my weight loss, I'm sure. Since I haven't actually weighed myself yet, I can't be positive, but I am definitely feeling thinner. This process may continue on into this afternoon since all I have to eat are the damn cardboard microwave meals, and they....look.....disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Why do I buy these things?
I do wonder though, about weight loss. People always say that when people get into a happy, content relationship, they put on weight. Love pounds, as my ex called them. On the other end of the spectrum, there is tons of research about how people who are overweight are unhappy because of it. So which is it? Are the chubby people happy because they're in love or are the skinny people happy because they feel physically fit? I must know.
Also, if fat equals happy, consider this blog DOOMED.
Posted by S.
Either you are the person who eats when you get stressed or the person who has a weak stomach and cannot eat when stressed. I consider myself a combination of the two- it depends on the type of stress I'm experiencing. When I am trying to make a life decision, I eat. When I am fighting with a loved one or having relationship troubles- I cannot even think about eating. The stress I'm experiencing lately is the latter.
Over the weekend, I moved. This caused a fight with some loved ones, which made me moody and irritable, which put off some other loved ones, who are also my new roommates. Then I called things off with someone I was seeing, and had to explain to someone else that our relationship lies in the friend zone. All of this was terrible and the only thing I could imagine eating was 99 cent Taco Bell. But alas....the Taco Bell in my area was closed. CLOSED. For the first time EVER. And so I didn't eat.
This put me on track with my weight loss, I'm sure. Since I haven't actually weighed myself yet, I can't be positive, but I am definitely feeling thinner. This process may continue on into this afternoon since all I have to eat are the damn cardboard microwave meals, and they....look.....disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Why do I buy these things?
I do wonder though, about weight loss. People always say that when people get into a happy, content relationship, they put on weight. Love pounds, as my ex called them. On the other end of the spectrum, there is tons of research about how people who are overweight are unhappy because of it. So which is it? Are the chubby people happy because they're in love or are the skinny people happy because they feel physically fit? I must know.
Also, if fat equals happy, consider this blog DOOMED.
Posted by S.
SP Fight
Yes, I'm fighting with Spark People right now. For some reason, they are against me counting my calories. They just won't take my calories right now so I've resorted to writing them on a sticky note. That's right. That's what we call dedication folks. Pure dedication. I'm dreaming of the Reese's trees from Christmas that are in my desk right now, but might just have one peanut M&M. Or 5. We'll see. Like how the next sentence after my 'dedication' sentence talked about candy? I have issues.
I didn't work out ALL weekend. But plans fell through tonight so I will have to go. It's a sign. The sign says, 'Wednesday Weigh-In is in 2 days.. will you embarrass yourself?" I just might sign, I just might.
S, where you at?
Posted by C
I didn't work out ALL weekend. But plans fell through tonight so I will have to go. It's a sign. The sign says, 'Wednesday Weigh-In is in 2 days.. will you embarrass yourself?" I just might sign, I just might.
S, where you at?
Posted by C
Happy New Year
Ok, so this weekend was not so good. I mean, it was fun and awesome.. but I might not have worked out OR ate right. Hard to tell. When I can't measure food I have no idea the caloric intake. So since I just ate 2 meals per day hopefully it's all ok. And yes, I DID eat jack in the box for breakfast to day, but I know it was 380 calories and I'm counting that. April doesn't seem that far away but it SOO is. Everyday is a struggle to go to the gym and eat food I don't necessarily want to eat. Maybe that's my problem! Maybe I need to find good-for-you-food that I like! Maybe I will! Maybe I'm rambling right now! Happy New Year! Goodbye!
Posted by C
Posted by C
Cravings Article
I saw this article and thought awwww yeeeah! I'm all about giving into my cravings and 150 cals or less is right up my butt-losing alley!
Slimming Snacks to Fight Cravings
With a little planning and strategic portioning, your favorite snacks can help you nip cravings in the bud, stave off hunger, and fight feelings of deprivation. All of the snacks listed here are 150 calories or less, so you can give in to your sweet tooth or satisfy your mid-afternoon stomach growl and still fit into your skinny jeans. And with so many choices—from sweet and chocolaty to salty and savory—there’s a nibble to match every mood.
Satisfy a Sweet Tooth
- 1 sliced frozen banana
- 1 cup grapes, chilled or frozen
- 1 heaping cup frozen mango chunks or cherries
- 1 cup berries or fruit salad topped with a dollop of reduced-fat whipped topping
- 6 ounces plain, non-fat yogurt drizzled with 1-2 teaspoons honey
- 1 low-fat ice cream pop or sandwich
- 1 frozen fruit pop or Italian ice
- 2 Tootsie Pops
- 100-calorie snack packs (such as Lorna Doones, Chips Ahoy!, and Honey Maid cinnamon rolls)
- 2 small cookies
- 1 biscotti (such as Nonni’s)
- 1 Vitalicious VitaTop
- Half sweet potato sprinkled with cinnamon and 1 teaspoon brown sugar
- 8 vanilla wafers
- Microwaved sliced apple sprinkled with cinnamon and nutmeg
- 2 graham cracker sheets (two squares per sheet)
- 35 Jelly Belly jellybeans
Get Your Chocolate Fix
- 1 oz. dark chocolate (preferably at least 70% cacao/cocoa)
- Two fun size chocolate bars (Snickers, Milky Way, Three Musketeers, etc.)
- 1 regular pack Pretzel M&Ms
- 1/2 cup low-fat chocolate pudding
- Chocolate-flavored 100-calorie snack packs (such as Oreos, Grasshoppers, and Fudge Grahams)
- One low-fat hot cocoa packet mixed with 6 oz. plain nonfat yogurt
- 4 Dove Promises mini chocolates
- 5 Hershey Kisses
- 1 tablespoon semisweet chocolate chips mixed with ½ cup whole grain cereal
- Chocolate-covered strawberries: 1 oz. dark chocolate melted over 5 whole strawberries
- ¾ cup Chocolate Cheerios
- 1 serving (50 pieces) Chocolate Goldfish Grahams
- 16 mini chocolate rice cakes
Salty Satisfaction
- 1 ounce baked chips (potato, tortilla, vegetable, lentil)
- 1 ounce soy crisps
- 1 ounce pretzels
- 4 cups air popped popcorn (optional seasonings: cumin, chili powder, Cajun seasoning, cinnamon, etc.)
- 100-calorie bag microwave popcorn
- Salty/savory 100-calorie snack packs (such as Cheez-Its, Sun Chips, and Ritz Snack Mix)
- ¼ cup roasted edamame or soy nuts
- ¼ cup plain or flavored almonds
- ½ cup pistachio nuts (in the shell)
- 2 Laughing Cow Light cheese wedges spread on 2 Wasa Crisp’n Light crackers or 4 Triscuits
- Half a baked potato topped with salsa and/or nonfat sour cream
- Half a medium avocado, drizzled with fresh lime juice and lightly sprinkled with kosher salt
- ¼ cup hummus and 10 baby carrots (or celery sticks)
- Celery sticks with 2 tablespoons light cream cheese
Can’t Decide? Enjoy a Salty & Sweet Combo
- 10 almonds and 2 tablespoons raisins or Craisins
- 10 chocolate-covered pretzels
- ½ cup Chex Sweet ‘N Salty snack mix
- ½ grapefruit and ½ cup 1% low-fat cottage cheese
- 5 mini chocolate rice cakes, each with a thin spread of natural peanut butter
article found here:
Posted by C
Posted by C
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