
A New Dawn..

You know those Weight Watchers commercials where Jennifer Hudson sings the Michael Buble song? I love them. Mostly, I just love the song. I've been listening to it for years and have to say, it's pretty nice to hear the inspirational, uplifting lyrics at random intervals between all the fighting on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (Hint: Michael Buble's version is a million times better- check it).

Anyway, that's how I feel. It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me. Four months ago, I moved back to Utah after two years in Connecticut, totally in love with my boyfriend. I moved back to finish my last semester of the paralegal program at a local school, with the intention to move back to Connecticut at the beginning of January and get married and start a life there.

It didn't go as planned.

After a terrible breakup where I lost the love of my life (thus far) and my best friend, having to leave my job that I loved, all my CT friends and my whole life there that I had worked so hard to build the last two years, and having to move back in with my parents for financial reasons, I knew things had to change. I couldn't spend any more time feeling sorry for myself.

And so I set goals.

My first goal was to drag myself out of bed every morning and continue attending my classes. It seems like a small feat, but it wasn't. In the beginning, it was all I could do to suffer through my classes. I looked like hell while I did it, but I did it.

Once going to school felt more like a routine, I knew I needed to get a job. I am always happier when I'm productive and I knew it would be a boost (plus, I needed money). I searched tirelessly for a job for 2 months and then landed one at a firm I have only ever dreamed of working at. Plus, it's right in the midst of downtown, which was a huge selling point for me. I love the chaos.

Next on my agenda was moving out. On January 1st, I moved in with 3 girls I've known for years and love. It's perfect to be closer to downtown and amongst 3 other girls who are going through the same school/work/dating trials I am. It makes me feel normal.

And my current goal? A healthy lifestyle.
Somewhere along the way, working out and eating healthy faded out of my routine. Well...... IT'S BAAAAACK!

Last Monday, two co-workers and I started a "no sugar" diet. That's all it consists of.

Don't eat sugar.

It sounds simple, but you would be suprised how many things have sugar in them. I, being a starving student of sorts, survive on sugar. I eat sugar cereals...candy....spoonsfuls of sugar...and lots of it. But, a week strong and no sugar to be had and I feel great! I have been eating alot of fruit (which I usually hate) and keeping it healthy. I've noticed that it stops alot of my mindless munching and I don't feel deprived at all! I look slimmer already, but the major difference I notice is in how much healthier I feel. My afternoon sugar crashes are quickly becoming a thing of the past and it gets easier to ignore the cravings each day.

So here's to meeting goals and building the lives we want to live, one goal at a time! I believe we can do anything with the right motivation and support system. Even starting completely over.

So hello new dawn and goodbye sugar ass!

Posted by S.

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