

I have a problem with water. I don't drink it. I don't like it. Sometimes it's refreshing, sure. But eew! Why is it detrimental to loosing weight? I mean, it makes sense but why can't that be the same for other liquids. I've tried using Crystal Light and that works sometimes. But why oh why can't water taste like the always delicious Diet Coke? I will save my love for Diet Coke for another post.

Here's what I need. Help. Mental help? probably. But more so how to get into drinking water. I can't just do it. I drink it every so often but never, NEVER the recommended amount. I figure what I get from my food is fine enough.

This reminds me. When you don't drink water you put on weight b/c your body stores it. But then when you first lose weight they call it water weight. ???? WTH? So basically drink gallons a day or be chubby. Nice, water. REAAAAL nice. I can see it's gonna take a while for us to get along.

Posted by C

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